Saturday, February 5, 2011

No Longer on the Dell Streak

About a month ago, I gave up on the Dell Streak as my everyday phone. The Android 1.6 operating system grew a bit antiquated for my needs, and that made the extra heft of the device too much. I do believe that if the Android 2.2 update had been out in November 2010 or even December, I would still be using the device. I ended up finding a Samsung Captivate on craigslist and selling my Streak.

The Streak is a great device, and as a tablet I think it is fine. However, as an every day phone it just wasn't worth the extra size when the OS was so old. I still cannot figure out what is taking AT&T so long to release the update for locked Streaks.

On the other hand, I have been nothing but very pleased with the Samsung Galaxy S (Captivate). I don't see how I could ever use anything other than the Swype keyboard again. I have shown the entry with Swype to friends and coworkers with iPhones, and they are impressed. I may write more here later about Android keyboards.

The OS is fluid, quick, and the display is beautiful. The OLED screen really is excellent. And for my purposes, and good camera is important, and the Captivate excels at this as well. The camera on the Streak was simply awful. The images were always blurred and looked nothing like it should have come from a 5.0 megapixel image. The video recording was almost unusable. The Captivate's is detailed and fluid.

So for now I am very happy with my Captivate. I just hope AT&T releases that update for others soon.

1 comment:

  1. Thats a shame really :) Dell's build quality is so variable that the experience can be ruinous for some. I'm in the UK and my own Streak died as I was updating to the O2 Froyo build. I returned it to Dell and now have an unbranded SIM-free refurbished device that is 100%. There are no problems with it whatsoever, the camera (still and video) is well up to the 5Mpxl expectation.

    That said, I won a Nexus S and that is in yet another class altogether. I don't like Samsung's total use of plastic, but the class of device is excellent.
